AWS Mail
The Missing Amazon SES Template Manager

You need to manage your SES email templates, and you need it now.
Since AWS doesn't have one, we made one for us and for you.

App screenshot

The missing GUI editor for SES templates

No more cry.

Manage your SES Email Templates just the way you wanted to. End the SES APIs fidgeting with AWS Mail and get down to business.

Secure login.
Your AWS access key and secret access key don't leave your browser. Secret key gets encrypted in local storage, in transit with SHA-256.
Multi region.
Your emails go with you - wherever your users are. Be it Ohio or Frankfurt, you've the freedom to pick your Amazon SES region.
No strings attached.
Leave SES when you want. Take your templates with you with a bulk Download / Delete. It's like breaking up over a text.

Sorry, it was butt mail.

It's okay, just send 3-4 more emails

Said no customer ever. Don't make your recipients the scapegoat. See what you're sending right away, on your right with a preview.

“Waiting for a testimonial so that we can put that here instead of this lorem ipsum. Try AWS Mail now and say what you have to. We only put the good ones.”

The chosen reviewers profile image
The Chosen One – A really cool AWS user